Transforming lives through a performing arts festival & community
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Transforming lives through a performing arts festival & community
Our purpose is to help people experiencing mental health challenges (e.g. anxiety, bi-polar, depression, PTSD), to facilitate your transition from a Day Job to the Arts (part / full time), or struggling to find & be paid fairly for the work you love.
find our voices
develop & apply our skills
manage mental health issues,
challenge stigma, foster empathy
connect, create, collaborate & listen.
discover how we coexist with society
Transition from your Day Job to the Arts; Actors, Artists, Bands, Bassists, Choreographers, Composers, Dancers, Directors, Drummers, Filmmakers, Guitarists, Photographers, Pianists, Playwrights, Poets, Singers, Songwriters & Writers. Email Rupert at rupert@cheekyfest.com.
The 1st Cheeky Fest happened in Kingston on Thurs, 29th Aug '24. Find out how it went @ News
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